Saturday, March 12, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request


Please pray for Timothy Truel.  I found out this morning that Timothy was in a bad car accident last night and is in the hospital in stable condition.  He was driving home and fell asleep at the wheel of his Jeep, ran off the road and was thrown from the vehicle into a field.  He suffered bleeding on the brain, a broken sternum, and a broken leg.  He was in shock and confused when a woman found him, as he had possibly been there a couple hours before being found. 

Darren and Jennifer are pretty tore up about it.  It make it more difficult because they cannot be there.  Timothy was supposed to come with Pastor Randall via private plane on Monday morning to visit here for a few days. 

Praise the Lord, as this could have been much worse.  Please pray for Timothy's recovery as well as Darren and Jennifer and family. 

Love in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Brother Chris

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