

King James Bible Baptist Church - our home church (Pastor Jonathan Doss)
Bible Believer's Baptist Church of Virginia - one of our supporting churches (Pastor Tim MacDonald)

Missions Organizations

Lion and Lamb Missions - our home church's missions agency
Missionary Flights International - non-profit aviation ministry that flies in our supplies
Caribbean Missions - missions agency of co-missionary, Darren Truel
Hope of Israel - outreach to the Jews in Israel and abroad

King James Bible Preaching

Digital Preaching - preaching site of our home church - great site with very good preaching
James Knox - good, solid teaching and preaching

Other KJV Baptist Missionaries' Sites & Blogs

Niels Gade & Family - Missionaries from our home church to Papua New Guinea
Darren Truel & Family - Missionaries to the Dominican Republic
Roger Jewell & Family - Missionaries to the Dominican Republic
Jon Zwingel & Family - Missionaries to Russia
Manny Rodriguez & Family - Missionaries to Puerto Rico
John Sasser & Family - Missionaries to the Jews (a YouTube video)
Shawn Bowman & Family - Missionaries to Ireland