Thursday, October 6, 2011


The Need In America
  • Every year in our country 3500 to 4000 churches close their doors and never reopen.
  • We are only planting about 1100 churches each year and that includes all Protestant denominations as well as Baptists.
  • Every year the population in America grows by three million people.
  • It now takes twice as long for missionaries to raise their support as it did 20 years ago.  Every year we are sending fewer and fewer missionaries from America. Many missionaries get discouraged and quit before ever getting to the field.
  • The largest Muslim training facility in the world is in New York City.
    • The largest Buddhist Temple in the world is in Boulder, CO.
    • Estimated U.S. conversion to Islam is 25,000 per year. Conversions to Mormonism are about 547,500, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses about 500,000 converts each year.
    • When Kingdom Halls reach 150 members they take 75 and plant another Kingdom Hall, we go in debt and build a bigger auditorium.
    • No county in America has a greater percentage of church members enrolled in Sunday School today than it did a decade ago.
    • America is the only nation in the world where the gospel is not spreading significantly! Even foreign missions are now being affected because there aren’t enough mission minded churches now to send all the missionaries the Lord is calling.  To our shame foreign
      countries are starting to send missionaries to America.  We are 13th among nations in the world to receive missionaries.
      Our nation is home to 300 million people as of October 2006, it has grown 100 million in the last 39 years and 53% of those are immigrants or decedents of immigrants. They did not bring Christianity into our country, they brought Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, etc. into our country. The choice is ours, are we going to rise to the occasion and do what we did when we first came to America, win America to Christ again by planting churches across our land, or are we going to let Islam reach them first? There are as many Muslims in America now as there are Baptists!  
    • If Baptists don’t plant churches in America by the year 2050 America will be an Islamic nation!

    The map below shows where religious groups are in America. If a county is predominately one denomination the country is colored the color of that group. Baptists are in red. Notice where truth is there is little error and vise-versa. This study was done in 2000, if it were done today and Islam were included there would be as many Muslims as there are Baptists.  They are converting 25,000 every year to their religion, we are not. 

    © 2006-2010

    1 comment:

    1. Thank you for posting Bro. Weltin. This is extremely convicting!
      Ms. Elsie
